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08/01/21 11:45 AM #11    

Lynnette Creamer (Turner)

So sorry to hear of Kathy's passing.  Although I didn't know her very well , she was alway friendly when we did have contact.  I remember her as a nice person with a great smile.

08/12/21 11:30 AM #12    


Shirley Bottiger (Ostenson)

A memorial to honor Linda Hansen Roush will be help Monday, August 30th at 11:00 AM at Edwards Memorial, 11020 South Tacoma Way (Lakewood).  The family invites all who knew her and loved her to attend. 

(The memorial had been postponed due to Covid restrictions as Linda died last spring.)

08/22/21 11:40 AM #13    


Janet Ellingson (Ungurs)

A Celebration of Life service will be held for Kathy Gaenzle Magarrell on September 18, 2021.  A full obituary as well as service details have been posted to her In Memory page.

09/08/22 06:29 PM #14    


Shirley Bottiger (Ostenson)

Dear Classmates and Fellow Cardinals For Life,

Time and Tide are said to wait for no man.....and its the same with cherry blossoms.  Harold and I will be thinking of you reunioning while we are in New Zealand and Tasmania.  Harold will be advising cherry growers there while I will be smelling the blossoms.  Dreadful that the dates for the blossoming coincided with the reunion.  I'm hoping to see lots of pictures of you all though.  Stay healthy and enjoy our "ripe old age"!!!

Shirley Bottiger Ostenson

09/15/22 07:42 PM #15    

Barbara Kanzler (Brill)

To the whole reunion commettee I want to say Thank You.  The reunion was a great success.  Thanks for the work you did to give everyone a fun afternoon.  I don't think we've changed one bit.  Well maybe a small amount.  Will look forward to the next gathering in the not to distant future.  Barbara Kanzler Brill

09/16/22 10:59 AM #16    


Jerry Stern

Hello    Class of 62! Sorry to have missed the reunion. I was on a golf trip with golfing pals in Redmond and could'nt get back in time. Hope it went well. Would have liked to see everyone.

Thanks to everyone involved in putting this website together and keeping it going. I enjoy being able to keep up with the folks in the class.

Take care and God Bless to you all! Hope to see you at the next one.


09/16/22 05:05 PM #17    


Joni Zitka (Hollyoak)

It appeared that everyone enjoyed another great reunion chatting & catching up with each other's lives .  I mentioned that this would be our last formal gathering but are always open to anyone who would like to organize a pot luck picnic or just a general invite to meet at a particular place & time.  Easiest way to do this is to have Janet post it on our class website.  Really appreciate Janet setting this up all those years ago. Some one suggested we should gather again when we celebrate our 80th birthdays - so who's ready to take the reins on that?  80 ?  Unbelievable!!!  



09/16/22 05:51 PM #18    


Mary Ann Krysiak (Iverson)

Best reunion ever. I  thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Thank you to everyone involved. Were the Best in all we do 1-9-6-2.

 I wanted to sing the school song but was told a lot wouldn't remember it. So here are the words as I remember them.

                               HERE'S TO YOU FRANKLIN PIERCE HIGH SCHOOL

                               TO YOU WE ALL SING PRAISE


                               WE BOAST A LOYAL SPIRIT WE'LL TOAST YOU TILL WE DIE

                               HERE'S TO YOU FRANKLIN PIERCE HIGH SCHOOL

                               HERE'S TO YOU F.P. HIGH


I hope I got it right.


09/17/22 09:16 AM #19    


Mary Schnackenberg (Cattani)

I was not able to attend this time due to circumstances far beyond my control (MDS (a blood condition) treatment recovery - I am doing extremely well and will be back to my regular self soon!).   I am in favor of an 80th birthday party - after all 80 is 80, and there' no denying it, so we might as well celebrate it.   Mary Ann, you got it close enough, I say as a former specialist in the subject....

Missed you all.  

Mary Schnack (Cattani)

09/17/22 10:32 AM #20    


Cathy James (Fain)

Just want to say thank you to everyone who put this reunion together for all of us ---the Class of 62. The day was filled with flashbacks of days gone by, life travel experiences and good ole fashion chit chat, smiles and laughter. It was awesome seeing and chatting with all of you there. Jim Shoe I always love to seeing you and chatting, Bon Voyage Jackie Tillman enjoy that  cruise. LoRee Snowden always great to see you and Ron. Tell your brother-in-law Don Snowden he and Arlene better be at the next gathering no excuses! John Thompson great to see you, I think it's been 20 years now since we've chatted, 40th reunion.  Dave Lee or should I say " Flea" great chatting with you.  I could name every one of you as you all made my day exceptionally awesome but this would be a VERY long message. Love to all please come again in the future -- God Bless

11/11/22 11:08 AM #21    


Gary Hansen

Lucky days are here again as Post #21 pops up for this message.  Have been wanting to send earlier about the reunion but maybe better later than never.

Looks like everyone attending the big 60th came away with some very positive impressions, what a great day!

1.  FIrst of all may it be emphasized that the success of any super event like this is the result of the dedicated organizers and leaders who jump in with the overall planning, coordination and implementation. A lot of time and effort is involved but what it really boils down to is a desire to serve mixed with a labor of love.  All the committee members deserve special recognition and a solid round of applause.  It was also a special treat to see the group committee photo with the individual identity notations.


2.  Without this website, the ability for class members to communicate would be a lot more difficult and special thanks to Janet for both her organization skills and further dedication as Website Director.


3.  Especially for all of us who wished we were there but unable to attend for one reason or another, the photo collection was a welcome addition.  So thank you to both the owners of the cameras and the ones who actually triggered the shutter.  They say a picture can be worth a thousand words but one of the two supplement photos that Janet submitted are worth more than ten thousand words, at least to me.  One of those shots was taken from inside the Club which also included an outside the window view of the Pt. Defiance side.  In that photo one can clearly see a number of significant landmarks which represent a reminder of many past activities that were a reality there.  For example, the boat ramp, the ferry dock, the Pt Defiance Boat House, the fishing dock and the Anthony's Restaurant (had a different name earlier on).  The parking lot helped service all these features.  What a treat to bring all of them backto life.


4.  The group picture was especially impressive, what a good looking gang of 78 year olds!  It appears that this group of land lubbers all arrived at the Club in their cars, trucks or SUV's.  Since this was held at the Pt Defiance location with salt water access and harbor protection that maybe a few folks (i.e. Ellis R and Rick F) may have decided to arrive by sea on their nautical rides.  (Captain Hook costumes would have been appropriate)


5.  In an interesting turn of events it just so happened by pure coincidence that Rick W (stuck with Covid in Hawaii with wife Bobbi) and myself hooked up in our own reunion phone call at exactly the same time the 60th was underway.  Here in Los Angeles is about 900 miles from Tacoma and Rick on his coffee farm is 2500 miles from LA.  We had a great visit while remembering you all on the seashore.


6.  Speaking of seashores, do any of you recall the Class of 62 Senior Banquet held at a location a little further up the Waterway at the Top of the Ocean (there is a photo of Dean Huber and Harry Justice entertaining themselves there in the Huber album on this website).  That particular evening the fog was so thick, any attempt to drive through it was risky at best. However a number of us brave souls patiently took their time to challenge the elements and the showwent on.  The Top of the Ocean was a popular place as a restaurant, bar and dance house that allegedly had a reputation as sort of a local Mafia hangout.  In later years the place burned completely to the waterline by a disgruntaled employee who lit it up after soaking a portion of it with gasoline.  For anyone interested in the full story check it outon your favorite search engine.


7.  It is not very often that this website receives that much attention as has been seen here from the 60th Reunion attendees and it is encouraging to see the tote board light up that way.   From the photos there are a number who we wee  show up for the reunions but hardly hear anything from a written posting standpoint.  It would be great to also hear from you from time to time even if it's just to say "Howdy."


8.  The postings from the two Mary's (Mary S , Queen of Song and Marryanne, Tallest Member of the Drill team)  regarding the Cardinal FIght Song were noteworthy.  We all remember rising on the football field or basketball court to ring out those words to encourage the Cardianl athletes to go all out to fight and win for our dear FP High.  Of course the big band sound in support was always a welcome addition.   But is it any wonder our school never won any awards for league sportsmanship honors?  It took me over 60 years here to figure this out but obviously any school that encourages "fighting" like this would never win that award!  In any case I hope you all enjoyed the "double Mary" cocktails, like I did.  God Bless and keep up the good postings.

12/10/22 07:22 AM #22    

Betty Andrews (Metzler)

Sticking close to home getting health in shape with 3 low back electric shocks to nerves healing slowly

New additions to family on July 9, 2022 my Great Granddaughter delivered a set of identical twin girls Oakleigh Grace is now rolling over at 12 lbs 1 oz and Blakeleigh Gracw now 11 lbs 3 oz.  They live 3 hours from me so i can play all i want. 

Still doing my workworking projects have designed and cut out Gnomes with painting in odd colors each one have it's own personality.  So so careful with my band saw and it cuts quick on the wood i am using. I collect wood whenever i can as its so expensive it helps out alot. Found a home behind me deep in the woods that has been thinnng his trees and making slab wood out of them. I have them drying out and i will make him and his wife a Welcome Sign out of his own wood he gave to me.  I make their name on it and character that go with their home stead.  Will surpris them when i get it done. The slab is 3-4 ft long and 3 ft wide.  will hook chains on it to be attached to a tree out front and can be seen clearly when company comes calling.

Lots of fishing here and seniors get a life time pass for free.  they never stop fishing here no stopping with your catch forl the day can be 37 fish each woo hoo.  I sit on the dock with Neighbor Pop's fishing til dark love every minute. 

It's December and the weather is still great, some rain and coming this weekend 2 big thunder and lightning storms will pass thru here where i am.  The weather people tell us exactlluy to the minute it will hit and how long it will stay.  They are the best news reporters i have ever been near.  They can tell you to the exacrt minute when it will hit and how long its stays.  Last year at this time we were still in shorts and swimming at the lake.  of which is an island i live on 40 mile long lake.  

Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy in out golden years.  

Joyce has pictures of my twin babies.  I cannot get them here on this site.  I am not computer savy at all and all my grand kids there in Washington so not help for me until i make a trip there next summer.

Take care all.  Stay Safe.

    Reno.    AKA Betty Metzler






02/04/23 01:36 PM #23    

Sandra Stanley (Hoffman)

Jeanine Van Kirk

The best of times, the worst of times, we shared it all.  I'll never forget my 'little buddy".  Love you girl.

Sandy Stanley Hoffman


04/01/23 02:29 PM #24    

Betty Andrews (Metzler)

 Hello to all, the latest from me.  These past 4 months i have been battliing breast cancer for the second time and i am not done yet.  On 4-11-23 i will finish 28 days of radiation and will learn the resaults soon i hope.  But on 4-12-23 i have to take a pill and leave the doctors office only to return in 4 hours.  There going to read my body then send me home but return again 4-13-23 so the doctors can read me again.  I am hearing them talking about my condition and it sounds like the next step will be Chemo.  Not a happy person here.  So i'll meet them and get the answers.   I want to thank all the classmates that wished me a happy birfthday.   I think of all of you often an iam sorry i misted the last reunion.  I was just there and had a return fligjt waiting for me to board.  Many wishes for health, love, laughter, and fun until i can meet up with all of you at the next reunion.  God Bless everyone.  Betty Metzler "Reno"

06/18/23 09:08 AM #25    

Tom Tommervik

Gary Hanson 

07/19/23 07:09 PM #26    


Allan White



Thanks to Arlene, I have spent the last hour or so, rambling thru all the information available here. Sad times seeing those that have passed, happier times following all the pictures posted herein.

Out of the 14 reunions, I only attended the first, but enjoyed sequencing thru all the pictures of the remaining reunions. All of you have gotten OLD! 

As for me, I went directly into theAir Force out of high school and wandered around the world and retired in 1982 after 20 years in uniform.  Since, I have retired from the state of SC after 33 years as an electronic tech/electrician. Retired simply means no weekly paycheck, as I stay quite busy between my hobbies and helping others as a general handyman.

Celebrating my 80th and 50 years with my bride this year, enjoying my son, daughter, 3 grandsons and 1 granddaughter.

It was great catching up and now that I have the web site, I'm only as far away as your iPad/cell/pc. I won't make it back to the west coast but I'll see you in the cloud.

02/23/24 09:23 AM #27    


Mary Schnackenberg (Cattani)

It's hard to miss the elephant in the room concerning our age and I'm wishing we could do something to celebrate the fact of having reached 80. Others have mentioned this possibility, and I second the notion. We have a great class full of cool people who enjoy each other and would be happy to celebrate together.  Maybe we could do a no-work version of a birthday party,  simply showing up at a designated restaurant on a designated evening this coming summer.   Late August seems to be a good time for many.  Could the  restaurant be that pizzeria in Parkland on Garfield St. and Pacific, for old time's sake?   The old time I am referring to is the gathering for the 50th reunion at that restaurant....The only work would be to have the materials on hand for name tags, and that sounds like something even I could handle, would handle, and hereby volunteer for!!!   That would bring the work load down to 0.   The inviting could be word of mouth, and though we would doubtless miss some people, we could at least try by inviting the people we know, and asking them to help us spsread the word.   Does anyone agree that this might be a good idea? Would it work?    

02/23/24 07:18 PM #28    


Ron Snowden

Hello Fellow Classmates...hope you are all doing well. Wanted to let you know that I am having a solo Art Show at Lakewood City Hall which runs tnow through the end of March. Open normal weekday hours. There will be an Artist's Reception on Monday, March 18th from 4:00 'til 7:00 p.m. Music, hors d' oeuvres and lots of art. So if you're in the area please come by and say hello. If you're too far away and would like to see some of my art, visit my Facebook page at "Ron Snowden Art". And a Happy 80h Birthday to all of us this year. Cheers.


02/24/24 08:43 AM #29    

Betty Andrews (Metzler)

I would love to attend a dinner date could we have one in September when i.visit washington. As soon as i get the dates I'll be there i could let you.k ow. I'll be walking My granddaughter Shannon down the Isle at her wedding to marry Joe long tim bow. Hooe tis finds everyone doing well. Betty Metzler Smiles to all.

02/24/24 05:11 PM #30    

Delos (Del) Ballard



Why not! To Mary's request.


03/02/24 11:57 AM #31    


Janelle MacIntyre (Longmire)

Mary sounds like a good idea.  Having it at a restaurant where there is little for a committe to have to spend a lot of time getting ready for it.  Just let me know the date and I will do my best to be there.

05/11/24 12:36 PM #32    


Ted Wilson

I remember recieving a notice that the 80th birthday party place and time is set.  HOwever, I have lost the notification and would very much like it sent to me at  Thanks, Ted Wilson

05/17/24 01:11 PM #33    


Janet Ellingson (Ungurs)

A celebration of the life of Colleen Mayfield Wilson will be held at 2:00 pm on Sunday, June 30, 2024.  The location is Glenwood Tree Farm, 14716 Bingham Ave. E, Tacoma WA 98446 (Phone 253-223-5397).

This information from Colleen's daughter Holly was reported to me by Darlene Palmer Kipers.

06/05/24 05:50 AM #34    


Gary Hansen

Today is the 80th Birthday Celebration for Dale George but for whatever reason it is not possible to post a public message directly to his site.  Happy Birthday Dale and if possible let us know how you are doing these days.  Enjoy your day.

06/06/24 09:11 AM #35    


Mary Schnackenberg (Cattani)

Hi,  Gary:  Is this your page?   Happy Birthday to you if this is you and this is your birthday and not Dale's.   If this is Dale's page, Happy Birthday to you, Dale.   Gary, I'll take this opportunity to thank you very much for all you are doing to stay in touch with class of '62 - it is much appeciated.  I hope you are doing very well and that life is pleasant in your corner of the country.  I know it is beautiful there, and I hope the weather is treating you far...this season.   We in Massachusetts have been having a beautiful spring, blossoms everywhere and long lasting in the relatively cool temperatures thus far.    I hope you have a great birthday, and possibly even a cke with 80 candles on it.   Call the fire department before they are lit, however, just in case.   Sending you all the best for the year ahead.   Mary Schnack

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